I had originally conceived a book called What’s So Amazing About Grace and Why Don’t Christians Show More of It? in order to speak to the growing enchantment of American Christians with right-wing politics. Christians were becoming known mainly for what they were against: pornography, homosexuality, abortion, etc. That disturbed me, as I see grace as one of the great, often untapped, powers of the universe that God has asked us to set loose.
As I wrote, the book became less about politics and society, and more about the wonders of God’s grace and how it can transform individuals, families, and even nations, revealing the universal themes of hope and redemption.
Now, twenty-five years later, we need this message more than ever, in a world hungry for meaning and restoration. The revised and updated edition contains fresh material, including a new preface, current anecdotes, and cultural insights for our fast-changing times, along with a carefully crafted reflection guide that individuals or groups can use to apply “amazing grace” to their own lives. (Zondervan, 2023)
The brand new “Revised and Updated” edition is available now.
Endorsements and Honors
“A balm to my judgment-sick soul. When I want to remember that God is good, I turn to this wise and gentle book.”
Kate Bowler, New York Times bestselling author
“What’s So Amazing About Grace? has stood the test of time for a reason. Decade after decade, Philip Yancey’s writing continues to point to God’s unchanging truth: in a world gone crazy, what we all need most is grace. Let the timeless wisdom in this book open your hearts to the amazing reality of what grace can do.”
Andy Stanley, founding pastor of North Point Ministries
“This is beyond a doubt the very best book I have read from a Christian author in my life.”
Dr. Robert A. Seiple, former President of World Vision
“Philip Yancey is one of the most engaging and convicting writers in the Christian world. Once again he has produced a work with something in it to make everyone mad.”
Chuck Colson, author of Born Again and founder of Prison Fellowship
“On the heels of Philip Yancey’s best-selling The Jesus I Never Knew comes this equally insightful exploration of grace, the most powerful force in the universe and our only hope for love and forgiveness.”
Winner of the Gold Medallion Book Award, 1998
Christian Book of the Year Award, 1998
Retailers Choice Award, 1998

NOW AVAILABLE, six-session revised and updated video Bible study:
What’s So Amazing About Grace: Participants Guide

The Scandal of Forgiveness: Grace Put to the Test
A revised adaptation of an excerpt from What’s So Amazing About Grace
We speak of forgiveness often, even believing that we are forgiving people, but do we understand the true depth of it and what it demands of us?